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"Get Hooked on Maryland"

Carping in South Jersey

Group Info:

Name:  Carping in South Jersey


Trying to get a group of carp hunters that fish primarily in South Jersey.... Hopefully we can share spots, baits, and methods used--Dedicated to fishing for huge Carp in the South Jersey area.
Post success.... fishing trips...and info on carp..... PLEASE JOIN!
By the way.... this group is for beginners as well as experts!


CARP fishing is gaining in popularity across the country. Anglers are learning what a great fighting "sport fish" this species can be. Only freshwater fish in NJ that I know of that can reach 30+ pounds!!



Bob Jones

Rico Cathey

Leon Checinski

Mike Biagi

Brian Wingard

Ryan Munn

Damian Butters

Gary Thorpe

Gary Thorpe

Jacob Yu

Taylor Stewart

rickie shemelia

Abul Hossain

Abul Hossain

Kathleen Young

You must be a member in order to add messages to this discussion.


01/24/17 03:20 PM
I am an older person so easy access to the shoreline is important to me. Can any one suggest good carp fishing in bergen middlesex or smerset counties. Thanks all

05/18/15 02:17 PM
hey everybody . i love helping new carp fisherman . to me carp can be hard and easy depands on were ur fishing and what ur useing . me i already got 5 this year biggest i catched was 30 pounds . i only use sweet corn with 2 spit shots with 8 size hook . thats what i use in a lake or pond . now a river or creek i use like a 1 oz sinnker . hope this helps

05/18/15 01:53 PM
theres a sweet spot in mt holly nj called mill dam 40+ pounders in there

05/11/15 12:14 PM
What Lizardman529 said is true went out there Friday caught one and then another big one broke the line.

05/04/15 09:20 AM
HI! I just joined your group. I LOVE to fish for carp. In fact, that's all I fish for. If anyone knows where laurel acres pond is in mount laurel, go try it. I have caught 20lb carp there, and there are plenty of them :D

04/03/15 12:45 PM
Hi all, new to the group, am in central nj, would love to tag along if you all organize future trips. And how do I start finding spots? The map section of this forum?

03/23/15 03:05 PM
Does anyone know of any carp tournaments happening in NJ this year? If not should we try to start one?

11/29/14 10:00 AM
New to group…anyone carping in SNJ these days???

09/10/14 09:39 AM
Hi guys - just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I'm located in central NJ, but hope to share tips and tricks with you southerners!

So far I've only caught one carp, but hoping to catch more. I hear carp are in almost every body of water so look forward to trying them all out...

09/09/14 08:34 PM
crappieking--- tough to catch these guys in fast moving waters... I fish several tidal creeks that really move fast when the tide moves in or out... I wish I had an answer for ya.... only thing I can suggest is using heavier weights... not sure if you use the euro style rigs or not... but look up Brian Wingard on you tube for instructions on these rigs if you dont.. tight lines

04/21/14 12:05 PM
trying to catch some massive carp in a local creek, its shallow, with a deep channel and many snags, however a ton of really big carp, the water is also very fast flowing, and suggestions on how to catch these

02/04/14 07:32 PM
Mike mentioned it below and here is a link to my youtube page. If you ever have a question about catch and release carp fishing feel free to drop me a line. http://www.youtube.com/user/bwingy

02/04/14 07:30 PM
Mike, I just joined your group. Still learning everything on this forum so bare with me.

12/11/13 06:53 PM
Somehow.... we need to increase the popularity of carping.... I just started this past summer and am soooo disapointed that I never was serious about this species before. I lost so many great fishing experiences but so glad I finally realized how much fun they are to fish for.... The best fight I have ever had in FW and of course ... my largest 16.5lb is by far the heaviest fish in FW I have ever caught...They are very smart fish and a challenge to catch... any.... lets SPREAD THE WORD on this species and try and get some members to join out group.... thanks!

12/09/13 09:16 PM
Anyone who is beginning carp fishing and wants to learn.... check out You Tube videos by BRIAN WINGARD....

11/15/13 11:41 PM
Fished Timber Creek near the Delaware River today... new spot for me... didnt catch any carp but caught 7 channel cats in 3 hours using sweet corn on a hookbait with oats & creamed corn & strawberry jello as ground bait... Started at high tide and fished outgoing tide.. will be back to try this spot in spring!

11/06/13 10:52 PM
I'm not from south Jersey, but I do fish carp when I get a chance too. I'll help spread the word about the group. Good Luck!

11/05/13 08:47 PM
Oh yeah I started Barnegat Light Fishing Club so please join up. Thanks again.

11/05/13 08:46 PM
Hi guys I fished for carp a lot in my youth but it has been years. All my carp fishing was in north jersey. I have been in south jersey for 6 years now and have only fished the salt. So any info on where and when to fish for carp would be much appreciated. TIGHT LINES

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Date Established:
Oct 28, 2013

Type: Public
Visibility: National
# Members: 16
Views: 39968

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