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"Get Hooked on Maryland"

Central Mass Mapz®™

Group Info:

Name:  Central Mass Mapz®™


this group specializes in charting and mapping any and every fishing hole,pond,lake,stream,river and puddle out there in our great state.Join us in mapping the future of fishing in Massachusetts.GPS is great,but,knowing your surroundings is FAR BETTER-
NEVER GET LOST lookin for New*Honey-Hole.contact a member of Central Mass Mapz for directions-ameneties-known hazzards and much much more


I'm more than AWARE that "gps" rules...however,did you know dozens of new streets and fairways are constructed in every state,every day?..."localz" are STILL the BEST source for answers to questions like..."what address/digits should I plug into my GPS?"...


dave from wista


Stephen Madden

Nicholas Neider

Nathan McEleney

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11/12/11 07:50 AM

09/04/11 07:18 AM
here's an example of a map I posted to assist some of the fellas here on MAFF(Tourney guys) to reach the Manchuag stop on the tourey.I've got some old school tricks I use in conjunction with the new school technology available to all of us to SIMPLIFY travel

Misc Info

Group Created By:

Date Established:
Jul 08, 2011

Type: Public
Visibility: National
# Members: 5
Views: 42468

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