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"Get Hooked on Maryland"

Kayak Angler CT

Group Info:

Name:  Kayak Angler CT


For those who enjoy kayak fishing and want to make new friends, learn and teach new strategies, share new body's of water and all the fun that comes if it, etc...


Kayak fishing in Connecticut and neighbor's state plus those who wants to share the fun with us in any levels.


Doug Maclary

Elon Hertzfeld

Dave R

Paul R.

Roger Nascimento

Jimmy Battistelli

john cambis

john cambis

Thiago Batista

paul donzella

James A

Richard Willette

jerry jones

Robert Fletcher

You must be a member in order to add messages to this discussion.


05/07/21 09:01 AM
Is anybody still on this forum?

04/30/13 01:29 AM
Hello my fellow kayakers I want to invite all to a get together for striped bass in the CT river in the second Saturday of May the 13th, if you would like to be part of it leave a comment and some form of contact. Lets have fun...

04/12/13 10:05 PM
2013 season is just starting I hope we all have a lot fun catching a lot a fish, well I plan to try some tomorrow at Norwich, any one want be part of it let me know. Roganas@ hotmail.com or 8six0 nine six 7 61 thrity 3.

04/10/12 11:51 PM
Hello every one, the plan to 2012 is go fishing with new friends and create a blog in this group about kayak fishing in CT, RI, MA, NY that will inform and educate everyone who wants to join the adventure. Tell them the good places to catch a fish so they love the sport as much as we do.
Plus we want this group to grow and to go next level, maybe we can find some sponsors for a tournament in the future, so we need your help on it, like us on the top of the page so can get known by other and tell to your kayak friends about this group.
There is a adventure in ours plans, get a bunch guys and go from perhaps Groton, CT to Fishers Island, NY for a day of Fishing, all from our kayaks, maybe in the beginning of this summer, so lets us know about your opinion on this and your ideas.

06/22/11 06:15 PM
Hope you guys can make it to the "yak-together" were trying to put together. Check out the kayak section! Give us your input.

03/28/11 09:06 PM
Lot of paddlers on this site. Hopefully enough people get together this year and have a paddle power bass tournament. Hope to get out this weekend.

03/17/11 11:57 PM
Hey, a new group is created and its all about kayak fishing, enjoy...

Misc Info

Group Created By:

Date Established:
Mar 17, 2011

Type: Public
Visibility: National
# Members: 14
Views: 43339

Join This Group

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