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"Get Hooked on Maryland"

Sudbury Reservoir Comments

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User: scoobystas
Comment: Your not supposed to fish Foss, but hey, people do what your "not supposed to" all the time. I'm sure Foss has amazing lunkers since there is no fishing pressure. Sorta like Great Pond in Randolph, its drinking water, many signs that say no fishing, but I've heard of 5lbs smallies in there too.
Date: 06/09/12 10:49 AM

User: badlarry
Comment: Yes the Chu is legendary for smallies but I live 5 minutes from the Sud and have been pleasantly surprised earlier in year with some nice 3lb smallies but ever since they closed dam back up and slowed the flow smallies seem to be further out than I can cast at least the big ones few small ones here and there but the Larry's have stayed consistent we just have less shore line to fish from have to move around a little more.
Date: 06/08/12 06:52 PM

User: samf
Comment: you ever try foss res? i think people shore fish there.
Date: 06/08/12 04:21 PM

User: biggz53
Comment: alright we could probably work something out. Once I figure out my schedule for the next couple weeks Ill get in touch.
Date: 06/08/12 09:42 AM

User: wiredtofish
Comment: if you want smallmouth the best local place is wachusett res in clinton,boylston lots of smallmouth average 2-4 pds. ii would be happy to show you some spots if you`d want to go my problem is i need a ride lost liscense
Date: 06/08/12 09:26 AM

User: biggz53
Comment: Yeah I had never been so as soon as I saw access I pulled off the road not knowing where I was heading. I work out of Framingham a couple days a week so I am going to try and get out there a few more times the next few weeks...Id love to pull a Smallie out, haven't caught one in years.
Date: 06/08/12 09:14 AM

User: aem1031
Comment: There are a couple of us on here that have been killing it there. There are some BIG fish swimming in there. We have a couple of spots that are producing 3-6lbers on avg, not to mention all the smallies and good size pickerel we are catching.

I think the trick with this place is finding the spots where the water is lower than normal and hitting those. However, in the past few weeks that water level has been on the rise so those spots are not going to be accessible for much longer.
Date: 06/08/12 08:56 AM

User: wiredtofish
Comment: that place has alot of giants swimming in there big baits =big fish good luck
Date: 06/08/12 08:45 AM

User: biggz53
Comment: Yeah, first time I ever fished there. Heard of it on the board. I used a black and yellow buzz bait and had 3 hits, but couldnt get it set. Action was pretty good overall, cant complain for a Thursday night.
Date: 06/08/12 08:41 AM

User: wiredtofish
Comment: that`t a great place to fish try up off pine hill rd by the dam the shoreline is very good on that side big topwater baits, spooks work great especially near dusk/dark
Date: 06/08/12 08:36 AM

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