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"Get Hooked on Maryland"

2 on 2 at the "Chu" Comments

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User: muskiebigfish
Comment: Make sure you pick up a couple of Barbie Rods for you and Badlarry hahahahahaa sorry have a safe time and trip the fish will be waiting for ya
Date: 08/07/12 01:23 PM

User: aem1031
Comment: Looking forward to round two...the Sud to chase the lockness!

FYI, stuck in Jackson, MS all week. Only positive is there is a Bass Pro across from my hotel. I have quite a bit of down time so should be interesting to see how much damage I can resist doing!
Date: 08/06/12 06:29 PM

User: muskiesbrother
Comment: I would just like to that Bad Larry and AEM for making the trip, you guys are class acts and I would definately get on the water with you guys anytime, anywhere...
Date: 08/05/12 07:56 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: I would have to say that our Maiden voyage was a success even with one Fish. This was the first of many memorable trips. Thanks guys for playing Saturday morning it was great. To bad the bar is set so High. Might take that 10 lb Larry from the Sud to bear that one
Date: 08/05/12 06:54 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: I would have to say that our Maiden voyage was a success even with one Fish. This was the first of many memorable trips. Thanks guys for playing Saturday morning it was great. To bad the bar is set so High. Might take that 10 lb Larry from the Sud to bear that one
Date: 08/05/12 06:54 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: I would have to say that our Maiden voyage was a success even with one Fish. This was the first of many memorable trips. Thanks guys for playing Saturday morning it was great. To bad the bar is set so High. Might take that 10 lb Larry from the Sud to bear that one
Date: 08/05/12 06:53 PM

User: badlarry
Comment: Great time guys!Regardless of who caught the fish anytime you get to witness someone catching a personal best quite an honor.That place takes you back to simpler times great day either way!
Date: 08/05/12 05:49 PM

User: aem1031
Comment: Good Times! That laker was a beauty. Looking forward to next trip.
Date: 08/05/12 12:24 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: Thanks for comming BadLarry and AEM. 2 on 2 at the Chu should be named 1 and done!! 2 bites, 1 for each team, typical at The Chu for it can be slow. BadLarry had 1 flyby with no return, while Muskiesbrother cashed his chips in and landed a 29 inch. 8-15 Laker. Yeah baby. Great job Chris. Thanks again guys for comming, your choice next time and we do expect the Pink Barbie Rods to make the trip. Hahahahah
Date: 08/04/12 08:10 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: You trying to ruffle my finns. Hahahahah. 1 foot or knot. Crane technique my friend.
Date: 08/03/12 06:01 PM

User: badlarry
Comment: Aem make sure you go to bed early you know how you need your beauty sleep!
Date: 08/03/12 05:48 PM

User: badlarry
Comment: Yeah only thing getting smoked around here is my reel ha ha but you will be the one getting smoked like a cheap cigar tomorrow sorry your brother is going to be collateral damage ha ha!
Date: 08/03/12 05:46 PM

User: badlarry
Comment: Yeah only thing getting smoked around here is my reel ha ha but you will be the one getting smoked like a cheap cigar tomorrow sorry your brother is going to be collateral damage ha ha!
Date: 08/03/12 05:45 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: BadLarry must not of seen this yet cause my phone would be off the hook. He better be nice probs his girlfriend tonight. Hahahahah
Date: 08/03/12 04:02 PM

User: aem1031
Comment: That's what you get when you reel gets smoked! Lol.

Date: 08/03/12 03:46 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: BadLarry may end up with this rod and real by the time everything is said and done. Hahaha
Date: 08/03/12 03:00 PM

User: aem1031
Comment: My partner is ready, you are ready, your brother is ready and I am ready. Just wish I could be there for the start and not just the second half! Either way, will be a good time. Looking forward to finally meeting you guys!

Date: 08/03/12 08:28 AM

User: biggz53
Comment: GOt anything good on the line?
Date: 08/02/12 11:38 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: The wind is gonna be out of the south. That's why we going that side. Dead in our face at the Rook. No good. As you know. If the wind changes then hell yeah. Good luck at Bomo.
Date: 08/02/12 10:51 PM

User: wiredtofish
Comment: if you don`t get at least a 4 pd smallie in the 1st hr go hit a different spot ,the rook always gives up some big ones in the morning-
Date: 08/02/12 05:34 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: cant wait your partner is rrreeeaaadddyyyyy!!!!!
Date: 08/02/12 04:13 PM

User: aem1031
Comment: It should be an interesting day to say the least.
Date: 08/02/12 04:04 PM

View 2 on 2 at the "Chu" Details
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