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"Get Hooked on Maryland"

Another quick visit to Charles Comments

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User: juress00
Comment: If you keep moving up the river from the parking lot about 100 yards up there is a public boat launch.

Date: 06/28/16 03:14 PM

User: adamsj80
Comment: Decent amount of shore fishing. First spot I found was right behind the Old Watch Factory. There's public parking and access to the left when you pull in. There's 2 piers and plenty of fishing along the wall. There's lots of boat, kayak traffic mid day. There def is a spot to drop a kayak or canoe but I'm not 100% where. There's 2 spots right by where I'm talking about that does rental so not sure if you can launch from those. I also have just been parking and walking, looking for little outlets to fish and that's where I stumbled upon my sweet spot. Been getting tons of action. Not a huge area to cast from shore so I don't want to give up the exact spot lol. If you're anywhere near that area though, they're biting like crazy right now. Got 4 in less than an hour today but only one that was a decant size. Good luck!!
Date: 06/26/16 06:04 PM

User: frambrett
Comment: How's the shore access in that area? I have not fished that section of the Charles yet. Is there any place to put a kayak in? As I recall the current can be pretty swift in places in Waltham.
Date: 06/23/16 09:29 PM

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