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Probing the Weed Beds of the Charles River in Waltham Comments

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User: cillovely
Comment: Hubby and I went there about two weeks ago. We went away from downtown since we were in our 17' Tracker. Hubby caught two bass, one had blood on it's tail for some reason. I caught a good size sunfish and something else that I have no idea what it was. I was just using my micro rod/reel with a small topwater lure. It's a great place to launch smaller motorboats.
Date: 09/26/16 11:09 AM

User: jwo1124
Comment: The first time we went, we went in the same direction as you. Lots of pads there. We had ALOT of blow ups and bites on frogs and toads. Didn't land any though.

Date: 09/03/16 04:16 PM

User: frambrett
Comment: I'll take your advice and paddle towards downtown next time - my instinct was to paddle in the other direction because of all the kayakers and paddle boarders coming from that way!

Not sure about northern pike in the Charles, but they are definitely in the Sudbury River, particularly the Fairhaven Bay stretch. I think I hooked one last year near the Route 20 bridge, based on the type of fight (racing back and forth parallel to the boat multiple times, no jumps) but he broke or bit through my line.
Date: 09/02/16 08:21 PM

User: jwo1124
Comment: I've fished that stretch twice, very scenic and productive fishery. The first time there we only caught a couple bass and a pickerel. The second time we headed towards the city opposed to the other direction, and we caught a lot of bass from shoreline cover.

We had great success on soft plastics.

I'd like to get back there. I read somewhere, if I'm not mistaken, there are pike somewhere in that river?

Can anyone comment on this?
Date: 09/01/16 09:31 AM

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